Saturday, October 28, 2017

What are some funny Google Translate tricks?

This is the third quoranswer blog post, answering the question What are some funny Google Translate tricks? I have decided to update the Google translations based on the current situation. I think they are still a lot of fun. Let me know in comments, if you came across some funny translations!

There used to be a funny politically coloured trick for Russian->English, where sense was inverted on translation depending on what President names were used in positive vs negative context. I can’t reproduce it right now, but GT produces this at the moment:
Обама не при чём, виноват Путин.
human: Obama is innocent, Putin is to blame.
GT: Obama has nothing to do with Putin. (Previously in Aug 4, 2016: "Obama is not to blame, blame Putin.")
Путин не при чём, виноват Обама
human: Putin is innocent, Obama is to blame.
GT: Putin has nothing to do with Obama's fault. (Previously in Aug 4, 2016: "Putin is not being Obama's fault.")

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