Saturday, March 21, 2015

Flexible run-time logging configuration in Apache Solr 4.10.x

In a multi-shard setup it is useful to be able to change log level in runtime without going to each and every shard's admin page.

For example, we can set the logging to WARN level during massive posting sessions and back to INFO, when serving the user queries.

In solr 4.10.2 these one-liners do the trick:

# set logging level to WARN,
# saves disk space and speeds up massive posting 
curl -s http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/info/logging \
                       --data-binary "set=root:WARN&wt=json" 
# set logging level to INFO,
# suitable for serving the user queries 
curl -s http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/info/logging \
                       --data-binary "set=root:INFO&wt=json"

Back from Solr you get a JSON with the current status of each configured logger.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Luke keeps getting updates and now on Apache Pivot

Originally developed for fun and profit by Andrzej Bialecki, the lucene toolbox luke continues to be developed. Its releases are published at:

Most recently Tomoko Uchida has contributed into effort of porting Luke to an Apache License 2.0 friendly GUI framework Apache Pivot. New branch has been created to host this work:

Currently supported Lucene: 4.10.4.

It is far from completion, but already now you can:

  • open your Lucene index and check its metadata

  • page through the documents and analyze fields

  • search the index

We will appreciate if you could test the pivot luke and give your feedback.